Tuesday, April 7, 2009

In My Dream

I dreamt of growth
it was taller and more empowering than even your stature.
You are Ease, visually speaking and my dream reflected this perfectly.
In your bedroom there is so much wood, still breathing the soft hum of life
just happening.

Through the window just above your bed
a gum tree branch hangs in
and stays permanently for a chat.
You let its limp limbs stretch out and rest on a pillow.
Does everything in here elongate?

You imprinted my fingers with eucalyptus and trusted me to make you a cup of tea and I forewarned that these things come down to chance.

My mouth just spluttered out
with the timing of garden sprinkler.
I’d rehearsed everything I said and it sounded stale.

But in this room
your room, I tasted change.

My passageways are clear and you will shortly cease to be just an idea.

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