Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sound is Essential When Reading

I always say you don’t chose who you like. I say to myself, mostly. So the reunion, because it felt like a lot of time had passed, was a slack rubber band.

I love rubber bands, the thick red ones that encourage gusto and bravado. They hurt and the pain reminds you of how well they work.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask something of my existence:

Me: I would like to hear a snap!
Existence: A thud? Or similar to when something breaks?
Me: No! More like fingers, a good dry click. A firm sound, a strong noise.
Existence: Would you like it to hurt?
Me: Yes, it feels good when you know something works.

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

Harriet, this is so great. I think this is my favourite.